Once, they fitted together. Just the both of them. Perfect, just like a circle. No sharp ends.
Then came in the sister. It became a triangle with 3 sharp ends.
Then came in the mother. It became a square. This time, 4 sharp ends. Ouch!
It became more and more complicated.
Will the circle fit again, just like how it used to? We'll see... one day. Or perhaps, it will never fit again?
Then came in the sister. It became a triangle with 3 sharp ends.
Then came in the mother. It became a square. This time, 4 sharp ends. Ouch!
It became more and more complicated.
Will the circle fit again, just like how it used to? We'll see... one day. Or perhaps, it will never fit again?
Love takes 2 to make it work out. I'm not you and I cannot fully understand and tell you what you should do. But all I can say patient...sometimes somethings just needs a bit of patience...
I'll always be here for you whenever you need someone to talk to or a shoulder to cry on....
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CherryChocolateCandy |