Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Moved. Again

Yes, I'm in my new flat again!

I was due to move out on 20/7 but I decided to move out 2 weeks earlier because I was having such a hard time at the old flat! That landlady is a witch I tell you!

Last Sunday night, the ancient toilet broke. It wasn't me because I used it before I showered and it was working perfectly well. After my shower, I heard someone using the toilet (either her or her husband) and after that the toilet stopped working. The water did not fill the tank. 10-ish, I heard her raising her voice "For God's sake, nobody uses the toilet every 10 minutes" or something like that. Basically she was accusing me of breaking the toilet because I use it so often. I just ignored and stayed in my room.

The following morning, there was a note on the toilet: Toilet Broken. Best if you spend day out.
Great. No toilet. Cannnot pee and poo. As if that wasn't bad enough, she took away the shower head. I went out during the day, spent some time at Borders and Starbucks and only left after I finished doing all the necessary 'businesses'.

In the evening, I overheard her telephone conversation. She was having a good time telling her friends about what I did. Obviously, she made up most of it. She said I used the toilet 6-10 times an HOUR! And added if I used the toilet that frequent, I have some problems and should go to the toilet. The toilet hasn't broke in 10 years. She called me a peasant!!!!! (What a bitch!) and a whole lot more rubbish.

I drink about 2 litres of water every day but I do NOT use the toilet every 10 minutes! On average, I pee about 6-8 times a day, which I think, is perfectly normal. Besides, that ancient toilet is 10 years old and hello! which toilet doesn't break?

Anyway, 10-ish at night when her husband came home on Monday, I heard her saying 'shit' this 'shit' that. All I could hear was shit, shit, shit and more shit. I didn't know what was it about until Tuesday morning. That witch accused me of pooing and didn't clean up! I found yet another note on the toilet: After you shit please clean up after yourself. Just because I came home earlier that her doesn't mean that I pooed in the toilet!

I could not shower and could not use the toilet. Pretty pointless living in hellhole, aye? I went to my friend's to shower for 3 consecutive days. Lady luck must be on my side when I found a flat just a block away from my old flat on Wednesday. Since then, I started counting down to Friday when I could finally move into the new flat. Every single day was so long and I thought Friday would never come.

I think it was Thursday morning when I set foot into the kitchen. Guess what I found- dusty filter. I did my laundry one day and I totally forgot to clean the dryer's filter. That evil witch put the filter on my tea bags and my plate! Oh for God's sake, does she have a brain at all? Putting dusty filter on my food and plate is just disgusting!!!!

Then I got a note from her saying that I had to vacate the flat when viewings take place (she's renting the room out after I leave). The viewing times were 5.30-8pm on Friday, 12-5pm on Saturday, and on weekdays, if required, 6.30-8pm, and the times are NOT negotiable. That is just ridiculous! Imagine if I didn't have my new flat now, what am I suppose to do? Stay on the streets of London?

Living with them is the biggest mistake ever! I'll never ever live with a landlady/landlord anymore. And I'll never never never ever live with a Kopi-O anymore. It doesn't matter if the other half is a White coffee. Kopi-O will remain a Kopi-O regardless how much bleach you use.

I'm just so glad that I'm in the new flat now!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

This is what happens...

... When your parents don't update you about the new addition to the family.

*Phone rings*
"Hello. Nak cari siapa?"
Speechless. Shocked. Doesn't sound like my Mum. Can't be wrong number.
"Hello. Ini bukan Taman XYZ ke?"
"Ya betul. Nak cari siapa?"
"Ohh.. ni kakak baru ke?"
"Ya. Anak sulung kat England ke?"
"Ya. Ma'am ada tak?"
"Ma'am baru keluar"
bla bla bla bla bla...
