My mommy says I can't speak Malaysian
I attended Haizi's birthday party tonight. There, I met up with a number of Malaysians and wqe did lots of catching up. There was a little Malaysian boy by the name of Danial. He's 9 and he's here because his Mom is doing her PhD in Forestry. I spoke Malay to him and he answered me in English most of the time, with an English + Malaysian accent. Suddenly, he blurted: My mommy says I can't speak Malaysian. I was taken aback. I thought, why? Is there anything wrong with speaking Malay in a foreign country? Does speaking Malay in UK means you're low class or what? I don't see there's anything wrong with speaking Malay. In fact, I try to speak Malay to most of my Malay friends, just to brush up my Malay a bit.
Then we were singing songs during the party. Most of the songs we sang were Malay songs, like Belaian Jiwa, Di Persimpangan Dilema, Menghitung Hari, etc. and also some English songs. Half way singing, I heard Zabir telling one of my Chinese friends, Viv, I don't know what they're singing. I don't know the songs. Heck! You're Malay and you don't know those songs? The way he said it was so snobbish! As if not knowing any Malay songs and speaking with a fake English accent are cool. Then I brought up Malaysian Idol cos I wanted to hear Haizi sing Gemilang or Tunggu Sekejap but Zabir told me You're more Malaysian than I am!
Me *is* speechless...
Seriously, I don't see there's anything wrong with speaking Malay or singing Malay songs. There's no need to pretend that one can't speak Malay. It's like some Malaysian chinese who tries to be Mat Sallehs by saying I can ONLY speak English. To me, being able to speak Malay is an advantage, and I'm proud that I'm able to do so.
Now, do you think it's a disgrace being Malaysian? Or you think being a gwei low celup is classier?
Then we were singing songs during the party. Most of the songs we sang were Malay songs, like Belaian Jiwa, Di Persimpangan Dilema, Menghitung Hari, etc. and also some English songs. Half way singing, I heard Zabir telling one of my Chinese friends, Viv, I don't know what they're singing. I don't know the songs. Heck! You're Malay and you don't know those songs? The way he said it was so snobbish! As if not knowing any Malay songs and speaking with a fake English accent are cool. Then I brought up Malaysian Idol cos I wanted to hear Haizi sing Gemilang or Tunggu Sekejap but Zabir told me You're more Malaysian than I am!
Me *is* speechless...
Seriously, I don't see there's anything wrong with speaking Malay or singing Malay songs. There's no need to pretend that one can't speak Malay. It's like some Malaysian chinese who tries to be Mat Sallehs by saying I can ONLY speak English. To me, being able to speak Malay is an advantage, and I'm proud that I'm able to do so.
Now, do you think it's a disgrace being Malaysian? Or you think being a gwei low celup is classier?
Hi, yep, I do think that all Malaysians, irrespective of their race, should be able to speak Malay.
Most were very 'rajin' with their BM when they are in Malaysian schools.
Afterwards, especially if they go overseas, BM is rarely spoken, or just spoken when we want to gossip in front of gwailohs.
Nik Nazmi
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