If only I could turn back time
I really wish I can turn back time.
I seem to have a problem with time. No, I have a problem with time. Sigh...
I feel I haven't been doing enough studying. Every night, before I go to bed, I feel I haven't done much. Everyday, there are so much work to be done. Dissertation, assignments, reports, presentations, and the list goes on and on. I feel like a nerd, studying everyday, and yet nothing on my to-do list is done.
How I wish I have the magic power to turn back time, to see where have I gone wrong, to ammend the mistakes I've done....
Since I came back, I haven't baked a single cake, not even a single piece of cookie. Since I came back, I haven't set my foot into a pub. I haven't even been out of town, haven't taken the train. Gosh... this is bad.
I guess I shall leave my books aside this weekend. Maybe I'll come up with a cake or some cookies. Now, I shall go find where my measuring cups, weighing scale and mixing bowl are!
I seem to have a problem with time. No, I have a problem with time. Sigh...
I feel I haven't been doing enough studying. Every night, before I go to bed, I feel I haven't done much. Everyday, there are so much work to be done. Dissertation, assignments, reports, presentations, and the list goes on and on. I feel like a nerd, studying everyday, and yet nothing on my to-do list is done.
How I wish I have the magic power to turn back time, to see where have I gone wrong, to ammend the mistakes I've done....
Since I came back, I haven't baked a single cake, not even a single piece of cookie. Since I came back, I haven't set my foot into a pub. I haven't even been out of town, haven't taken the train. Gosh... this is bad.
I guess I shall leave my books aside this weekend. Maybe I'll come up with a cake or some cookies. Now, I shall go find where my measuring cups, weighing scale and mixing bowl are!
Yo..it is scary to think that time is passing by so fast. Next thing u know..its our graduation ceremony. Then..after that we're working. Then we get married..no..then YOU get married...then YOU get kids and I get stuck on the shelf until my expiry date is over.
Sigh..what to do. This IS life.
Live life to the fullest lah...have fun while we are still on daddy and mummy's scholarship. We will never pass this way again!!
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CherryChocolateCandy |