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Can I get the best of both, please?

I called Mommy this afternoon after I finished 2 games of badminton.

'Hey, I have a news for you'

'Good news or bad news, Mommy?'

'We've signed the agreement to buy Uncle Mike's house'

'That's good news! Yay!'

'But we're selling off our present house....'

The moment I heard that, tears started rolling down my cheeks. I just couldn't control. Tears just flowed freely. Shikin, who was sitting right beside me, was taken aback when she saw me crying. I couldn't help it. I've been staying in this house since the day I was born. Never in my life have I thought that I'm going to move out from my house. Call me naive. I've always thought that I will stay in my house forever. Even if I ever get married one day, I will still come back to this house everytime I go back to KB. That's where I belong.

But now... my parents have to sell off this house. The new house costs quite a bit of money. My parents are going to demolish and rebuild it. I will get a room of my own and I'll get to design my own room. Currently, I'm sharing a bedroom with my sister and brother. Besides, what's the point of having two houses? Mom does have a valid point.

The new house is quite a distance from the town. It's by the stream. Sounds like a holiday villa huh? =P I've only seen the house once and that was years ago, when I was still in primary school. As far as I remember, the land is pretty big. It's called the Japanese botanical garden for some reason. Everybody in my family likes that house. But to sell off the present house? I'm not too keen.

Mom said if I really want to keep the house, she can sell that to me. Or maybe, I marry a rich man and he can buy over that house. :P A good way to get the best of both huh?

My parents have just signed the agreement. There's still a long way to go before we move into the new place... but thinking about it already makes me sad... Sob sob.