Home Sweet Home
I wish I were back home in Malaysia but unfortunately, I can only settle for the second best- my second home in Wales. It's weird. I'm in Wales like 3/4 time of the year but I don't feel 'home'. Home is always, and will always be Kota Bharu. Home is Malaysia.
London was good. It was good to experience the hustle and bustle of the city again. Life is too quiet in Bangor. A change actually did me good. I felt like a country mouse stepping into the city when I came out from Euston train station. Everyone was walking so fast. Some even ran down the escalator. It's something I don't get to see everyday here. Man, I feel like a jakun!
Didn't manage to go to Hyde Park. Weather was horrible (Not surprising at all). It rained on Wednesday. Thursday was gloomy but Friday was sunny. Too bad we had to leave on Friday.
Failed to watch Mamma Mia. Tickets were notoriously expensive! We settled for Lion King instead. It was good! We were very, very impressed. The songs were fantastic. 'Can you feel the love tonight' was better than Elton John's. So jiwang, so romantic. Baby Simba was awesome! I am so in love with him. Go watch Lion King! Highly recommended.
I am really bad in reading maps. I couldn't find Lyceum theatre because it was quite a distance from Convent Garden tube station so I asked one of the trishaw(?) peddlers. He told me 'take a right' with his thumb pointing behind. I thought he said 'ride' so I said 'No! I don't want a ride. I want to walk there'. 'Take a right! take a right.' 'No! I don't want. I want to walk' Finally he said 'Take a right, not left'. I couldn't help but laughed at my stupidity. I thanked him and rushed to the theatre. I am goofy.
Went to Malaysian hall for lunch. Good, and cheap too! :)
Did very very minimal shopping this time. I've been good. ;) Since we bought a day pass and didn't have any plans, we went to Westminster. Nothing spectacular. Took a few pictures and left. I don't like crowds. Westminster, as usual, was packed with people.
Had dim sum before leaving. =) Can anyone tell me where to get the best dim sum in China Town please? I heard Royal China is the best but it's not in China Town.

London was good. It was good to experience the hustle and bustle of the city again. Life is too quiet in Bangor. A change actually did me good. I felt like a country mouse stepping into the city when I came out from Euston train station. Everyone was walking so fast. Some even ran down the escalator. It's something I don't get to see everyday here. Man, I feel like a jakun!
Didn't manage to go to Hyde Park. Weather was horrible (Not surprising at all). It rained on Wednesday. Thursday was gloomy but Friday was sunny. Too bad we had to leave on Friday.
Failed to watch Mamma Mia. Tickets were notoriously expensive! We settled for Lion King instead. It was good! We were very, very impressed. The songs were fantastic. 'Can you feel the love tonight' was better than Elton John's. So jiwang, so romantic. Baby Simba was awesome! I am so in love with him. Go watch Lion King! Highly recommended.
I am really bad in reading maps. I couldn't find Lyceum theatre because it was quite a distance from Convent Garden tube station so I asked one of the trishaw(?) peddlers. He told me 'take a right' with his thumb pointing behind. I thought he said 'ride' so I said 'No! I don't want a ride. I want to walk there'. 'Take a right! take a right.' 'No! I don't want. I want to walk' Finally he said 'Take a right, not left'. I couldn't help but laughed at my stupidity. I thanked him and rushed to the theatre. I am goofy.
Went to Malaysian hall for lunch. Good, and cheap too! :)
Did very very minimal shopping this time. I've been good. ;) Since we bought a day pass and didn't have any plans, we went to Westminster. Nothing spectacular. Took a few pictures and left. I don't like crowds. Westminster, as usual, was packed with people.
Had dim sum before leaving. =) Can anyone tell me where to get the best dim sum in China Town please? I heard Royal China is the best but it's not in China Town.