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This is my second post on telemarketers. The first pose is here.

Seriously, I don't understand why telemarketers love calling my house? And they're always looking for the same person- ME! ""£$%^&*(

I'm fed up! Seriously, I've got enough of it. I've got what I want and I am NOT interested in any of the products offered.

Some of them called up saying 'Ma'am, your number has been selected by our company and we're offering you a brand new mobile phone.. yada yada yada' Yea right. New mobile my a$$. In the end, they want my money and give me a lousy mobile phone.

I've got endless encounters from telemarketers. Even when Yu Jen hears me complaining, she says 'Again ah? Aiyoo.. why they always call you one?' My housemates stopped picking up the phone because they know most of the phone calls are mine. Sheesh! Annoying betul!

I have the option of hanging up on them immediately. I know they are telemarketers because of their distinctive Indian accent. Most call centres are in India now. But.. I can't bring myself to do so. Afterall, telemarketers are human too. Imagine if somebody hangs up on you, I'm sure you and I must be wondering- WTF!?!?

I've come to the conclusion of speaking as fast as I can and not give them an opportunity to speak, thank them for calling, and hang up the phone. That's what I usually do.

'May I speak to Miss E Chua please'


'Ma'am, I'm calling on behalf of bla bla bla...'

'I've got so many calls from your company saying I'm not interested in your product. Thank you for calling, bye' *click*

Yesterday, one telemarketer got on my nerves. After saying what I normally say, she went on and on about how good the darn phone plan is. I got pissed and raised my voice at her. 'Miss, I've told you twice I'm not interested in your product! I have a mobile phone and I don't need an extra one. Thank you for calling!' I think she got a shock. She said 'OK.. Ok.. ' and hung up the phone.

I'm bad... but why must they call me? Can't they stop calling me??? They are driving me up the walls. It doesn't help that it's exam period now and I get extremely cranky due to stress.

Which is worse- hanging up on them immediately or telling that I'm not interested in their products?