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I was listening to the MIX breakfast show. Shaz mentioned that her hubby asked what she really wants for Mother's day. She said she wants to have an uninterrupted sleep, don't need to sterilise bottles, yada yada and a chocolate cake. Gooey, rich, chocolate cake.

I went to Tesco for groceries shopping this afternoon. After grabbing what I wanted, I told myself that I must get some comfort food. With exams coming soon and the-monthly-thingie around the corner, comfort food is essential. Those are the excuses I gave myself for indulging in sinful food. F*ck diet. So off I went. First option: Blue M&Ms (the crunchy ones) but unfortunately, I could only find the Yellow and Brown M&Ms. (Yes, I don't call them M&Ms with peanuts, plain chocolate M&Ms. I call them Blue, Yellow and Brown M&Ms :P) I took the Yellow M&Ms and a bar of Cadbury Dairy Milk with Shortcake Biscuit. I felt guilty but argh... damage has been done.

A couple of nights ago, I attended a dinner at a chinese restaurant with my fellow peer guides. Before the dinner started, Jo, Kat, Petros and I were chatting. Somehow, we were talking about chocolates. Jo said, 'I'm a chocoholic. I am addicted to chocolate'. Kat said the same thing. Petros said he's also addicted to chocolate but is trying to cut down on it. When the waiter asked our choices of desserts, more than 50% of us went for chocolate gateau.

Last weekend, we went for a BBQ at Llanberis (Pronounced as Klanberis). I baked 2 cakes- an orange cake and a chocolate brownie. When I showed the brownie to Daniel and a few kids, all of them said the same thing: Wow! Chocolate cake! When the ladies saw it, they went: Chocolates!!! The kids refused to have the orange cake. All of them went for the brownies.

Don't know what to get when you visit a friend? Grab a box of chocolates.

Don't know what to get for your loved ones on VD? A box of chocolates will do.

Don't know what to get Mommy on Mother's Day? A box of chocolates!

Don't know what to get for your friend on his/her birthday? Chocolates!

Chocolates.. anytime, anywhere.. Perfect!