How do you like this Meme?
[A is for Abalone]
[B is for Bird's nest soup, Bak Kut Teh and Budu (Kelantan fish sauce- think cincaluk)]
[C is for Chee cheong fun from the Chinese market and chicken feet]
[D is for Durian]
[E is for egg tarts from Tong Kei brothers ]
[F is for Fish Fish Fish and more Fish!]
[G is for Guai-Ling-Gou]
[H is for Heng Hua noodles and hokkien mee]
[I is for Ikan Bilis and Indian rice at Aunty Sara's]
[J is for Ju-hoo char]
[K is for keropok lekor and Hot & Spicy KFC ]
[L is forLB and Little Miss May Leg of lamb and lobsters]
[M is for Monk Jump Over the Wall (Fat-tiu-chiong)]
[N is for Nasi Kukus, nasi dagang, nasi berlauk and nasi kerabu]
[O is for otak-otak]
[P is for pei-tan chok and prawns]
[Q is for QQ fishballs]
[R is for roti canai and roti kahwin (it's actually bread with butter and kaya)]
[S is for Slimey sea cucumber and scallops and the expensive Soon-Hock (marbled goby) fish]
[T is for turnip cake]
[U is for Ulam and belacan]
[V is for Vadai]
[W is for Wantan ]
[X is for Xiao Long Pao]
[Y is for Yam Rice and it goes darn well with zhu-tou-tong]
[Z is for Zhu-tou-tong (pig tripe soup)]
An A-Z list of the food I miss from home.....
Anybody fancy compiling a list like this? It took me a good few days!
[B is for Bird's nest soup, Bak Kut Teh and Budu (Kelantan fish sauce- think cincaluk)]
[C is for Chee cheong fun from the Chinese market and chicken feet]
[D is for Durian]
[E is for egg tarts from Tong Kei brothers ]
[F is for Fish Fish Fish and more Fish!]
[G is for Guai-Ling-Gou]
[H is for Heng Hua noodles and hokkien mee]
[I is for Ikan Bilis and Indian rice at Aunty Sara's]
[J is for Ju-hoo char]
[K is for keropok lekor and Hot & Spicy KFC ]
[L is for
[M is for Monk Jump Over the Wall (Fat-tiu-chiong)]
[N is for Nasi Kukus, nasi dagang, nasi berlauk and nasi kerabu]
[O is for otak-otak]
[P is for pei-tan chok and prawns]
[Q is for QQ fishballs]
[R is for roti canai and roti kahwin (it's actually bread with butter and kaya)]
[S is for Slimey sea cucumber and scallops and the expensive Soon-Hock (marbled goby) fish]
[T is for turnip cake]
[U is for Ulam and belacan]
[V is for Vadai]
[W is for Wantan ]
[X is for Xiao Long Pao]
[Y is for Yam Rice and it goes darn well with zhu-tou-tong]
[Z is for Zhu-tou-tong (pig tripe soup)]
An A-Z list of the food I miss from home.....
Anybody fancy compiling a list like this? It took me a good few days!
That's a FINE list!!! But I really had to LOL at [L is for (strike) LB and Little Miss May(/strike) Leg of lamb and lobsters]!!
Posted by
L B |
this looks like a great food meme, from A-Z! I'm a little lazy to do it, though. if it took you a good few days, it'll be weeks for me, LOL!!
Posted by
may |