The Kepo-chi post
I can't come up with anything. I tried to. I can't. And then.... light bulb! LB's tag.
Here we go~~
[A is for age] Twenty thwee.
[B is for booze of choice] Strawberry Daquiri. Or Long Island Tea. Or a glass of white wine.
[C is for career] Perhaps tax consultant? Fingers crossed.
[D is for your most dreaded] Disappointment
[E is for essential item you use everyday] my glasses! Can't live without them.
[F is for favorite song at the moment] In Another time- Jodie Simons. Uuh.. sappy.
[G is for favorite games] Sudoku! :P All time favourite will be the Classic Super Mario :P
[H is for hometown] Kota Bharu
[I is for indulgence] Creme De La Mer. Chanel. Sisley skincare
[J is for favorite flavor of juice] Cranberry
[K is for kids] Nil. But I take care of 3 kids every week.
[L is for last hug from wife] huh?
[M is for years of marriage] tengah pak-toh lagi lah
[N is for name of your crush] Take a guess :P
[O is for overnight hospital stays] touch wood. None.
[P is for phobias] Lizards. Hate them!
[Q is for quote] Whatever~
[R is for regret] Regrets... I have a few...
[S is for status, married or single] Single
[T is for time you wake up] 6am when I have to work.
[U is for underwear] Loads of them. Need new ones.
[V is for vegetables you love] Cherry tomatoes, carrots, romaine lettuce, sweet corn!
[W is for worst habit] Snoozing my alarm clock.
[X is for x-rays you’ve had] 2, I think.
[Y is for yummy food you make] Chicken pie. And this un-named mascarpone dessert. Dumplings.
[Z is for zodiac sign] Sagittarius
Here we go~~
[A is for age] Twenty thwee.
[B is for booze of choice] Strawberry Daquiri. Or Long Island Tea. Or a glass of white wine.
[C is for career] Perhaps tax consultant? Fingers crossed.
[D is for your most dreaded] Disappointment
[E is for essential item you use everyday] my glasses! Can't live without them.
[F is for favorite song at the moment] In Another time- Jodie Simons. Uuh.. sappy.
[G is for favorite games] Sudoku! :P All time favourite will be the Classic Super Mario :P
[H is for hometown] Kota Bharu
[I is for indulgence] Creme De La Mer. Chanel. Sisley skincare
[J is for favorite flavor of juice] Cranberry
[K is for kids] Nil. But I take care of 3 kids every week.
[L is for last hug from wife] huh?
[M is for years of marriage] tengah pak-toh lagi lah
[N is for name of your crush] Take a guess :P
[O is for overnight hospital stays] touch wood. None.
[P is for phobias] Lizards. Hate them!
[Q is for quote] Whatever~
[R is for regret] Regrets... I have a few...
[S is for status, married or single] Single
[T is for time you wake up] 6am when I have to work.
[U is for underwear] Loads of them. Need new ones.
[V is for vegetables you love] Cherry tomatoes, carrots, romaine lettuce, sweet corn!
[W is for worst habit] Snoozing my alarm clock.
[X is for x-rays you’ve had] 2, I think.
[Y is for yummy food you make] Chicken pie. And this un-named mascarpone dessert. Dumplings.
[Z is for zodiac sign] Sagittarius
woooo, tax consultant! high flyer! nice... ;)
regrets... I have a few...
but then again... to few to mention...
Posted by
may |
May >> Not sure about the tax consultant thingie yet.... but hopefully it'll come true soon!
Posted by
MooPig |
Oops, once again, I thought I'd commented on in here, but obviously not!! Must have been all that HEROing all weekend so far!!
Disappointment is truly one of the Dreadful Dreadeds. I am gonna check out Jodie Simons. As for your crush.. heh.. Well..
Happy Easter Sunday!
Posted by
L B |