Work, as usual
When I go to work, I dress really horribly- hair tied up, or sometimes let down, glasses, sans make up, I wear my ol' trusty pair of Camper Twin shoes and wear an old top and my oversized MNG jumper or any other cardigan which is loose and not-so-nice and a pair of jeans. I haven't got much time in the morning. I get up at 6.10 and have to leave home by 6.25 or 6.30 latest, to catch the 6.35 bus so I can get in at 7am.
I was wearing the same ol' thing this morning. But in the afternoon, I felt like dressing up a little. I painted my face a little and put on something nice. I swapped my glasses for contact lenses and used a nice clip to clip half of my hair. I looked prettier than usual.
At 3.30pm, I picked R up from school. I was standing at the usual spot but couldn't see her. Suddenly, I saw her, lost in the crowd of school children. I approached her. She stared at me for a few seconds and smiled. As we walked home, she looked at me a few times. She said I looked really different and she wasn't sure it was me. lol.
When we reached home, A was home. He came into the kitchen and asked me "Why did you dress up today?" I smiled and asked "Can't I dress up?" "Of course you can, I thought you're going out later." He said.
I promised the kids we'd make chicken pie today as they have the little pie pots, as I call them, from Waitrose. I used the McDougals shortcrust pastry flour to make the pastry and cooked the fillings myself. R kneaded the dough while I cooked the fillings and rolled the dough. Then the two of them brush some egg wash over the pastry before the pies went into the oven. Since we had some leftover pastry dough, R used a cookie cutter to carve different shapes. Each of us had our initials on the dough. I joined them for dinner as I had to stay till 8.15pm.

As much as I enjoy my job, I don't think this is something I would like to do for a long term. It can be a little boring and I want some challenges in life. Besides, I think I sound like a housewife already. No thanks! Yes, you hear me right. I no longer want to be a housewife! I want to climb the corporate ladder and I can't wait!
Chicken Pie, yummmm!! I had pie for lunch yesterday too. gives you good energy to climb that ladder... ;)
Happy Weekend to you!
Posted by
may |
Hahaha, oh yes, that ladder! Gotta climb and climb and climb!! But need to make sure you got safety net too. Just in case.. *still longing for a good pork pie*
Posted by
L B |
I am annoyed at people who TALK REAL LOUD, not just on the bus...
I hate stinky little boys who fark around as well, even after 7 years..
Harrods! Land of the Great Pork Pie!!!
Posted by
L B |