Wednesday Morning
I worked the morning shift today. MrA was the earliest to get up and about 15 minutes after I arrived, he was in jeans and t-shirt and was ready for breakfast. He had 3 pieces of Weetabix with milk, 1 plum, half a grape fruit and a glass of smoothie for breakfast. (So healthy okay!) Since he had about 15 minutes or so before he left for school, we talked. He's such a morning person!
MissK came down for breakfast before A left. She was pretty much like me- grumpy and quiet. She ate her breakfast while I did my crosswords and she left.
I prepared a packed lunch of carrot sticks and cucumber with hummous, bread and cheese and a banana. At 8.20am, I went to wake MissR up. This is my second time waking her up since I started. I can never be like her. She doesn't kick up a fuss to wake up and doesn't laze in bed much. She smiles when she gets up and wishes me good morning. She's always in a good mood to talk to me.
And I asked myself: Why can't I be like her? That 11 year old doesn't snooze her alarm for 14987372 times before getting up. She doesn't laze in bed for hours. She's cheerful when she gets up. And me? I'm the opposite of her.
When I have something to do in the morning, I can be good, i.e. not laze in bed for ages and don't snooze my alarm clock. But if my morning is free, I can laze in bed for hours and hours. Sigh.
Must try to get up early everyday. And be cheerful in the morning.
It's really weird but I'm not in the mood to celebrate V'day at all and I'm not at all depressed that he's not with me on this so call 'special day'.
I guess I'm too stingy dingy to spend extra money today. I don't see a need to have overpriced meal and buy overpriced presents and receive overpriced flowers today. Bring me fine dining anytime, anyday but not today. Buy me tulips anyday, anytime but NOT today.
And actually.. I'm a little thankful he's not here in London with me today. Because I really am not in the mood for celebration.
But I am very, very thankful, that he's coming to London on Friday to spend Chinese New Year with my friends and I. =) That, I think, is more meaningful.
Do you agree with me, love?
MissK came down for breakfast before A left. She was pretty much like me- grumpy and quiet. She ate her breakfast while I did my crosswords and she left.
I prepared a packed lunch of carrot sticks and cucumber with hummous, bread and cheese and a banana. At 8.20am, I went to wake MissR up. This is my second time waking her up since I started. I can never be like her. She doesn't kick up a fuss to wake up and doesn't laze in bed much. She smiles when she gets up and wishes me good morning. She's always in a good mood to talk to me.
And I asked myself: Why can't I be like her? That 11 year old doesn't snooze her alarm for 14987372 times before getting up. She doesn't laze in bed for hours. She's cheerful when she gets up. And me? I'm the opposite of her.
When I have something to do in the morning, I can be good, i.e. not laze in bed for ages and don't snooze my alarm clock. But if my morning is free, I can laze in bed for hours and hours. Sigh.
Must try to get up early everyday. And be cheerful in the morning.
It's really weird but I'm not in the mood to celebrate V'day at all and I'm not at all depressed that he's not with me on this so call 'special day'.
I guess I'm too stingy dingy to spend extra money today. I don't see a need to have overpriced meal and buy overpriced presents and receive overpriced flowers today. Bring me fine dining anytime, anyday but not today. Buy me tulips anyday, anytime but NOT today.
And actually.. I'm a little thankful he's not here in London with me today. Because I really am not in the mood for celebration.
But I am very, very thankful, that he's coming to London on Friday to spend Chinese New Year with my friends and I. =) That, I think, is more meaningful.
Do you agree with me, love?
I ran off to Italy so I can avoid all those expensive meals and flowers in Malaysia.....
And I tend to totally ignore the alarm clock, despite it being one of those really LOUD mechanical wound up ones that can wake the dead. This morning, the alarm went off at 7:30am, and I woke up at 9:00am..
Happy Valentine's, moopiggie.. XXX
Posted by
L B |
Happy Valentine's day to you too LB! My current alarm tone is 'Bic Runga's Good morning Baby'. I set that hoping that I'd dance to the tune in the morning but to no avail. :P
Jason: 60RM on 3 roses? @#$%^&*() Next time buy a day in advanced lah!
Posted by
MooPig |
everywhere on the streets of S'pore, I saw people selling single-stalk roses for S$7 each at least. what a profit! lol!
either way, Happy Valentine's Day (a little late), babes.
Posted by
may |