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Boring accountants?

A blogger sent an email to me teasing me that Accountants are boring people who have no sense of humour. (I know you're kidding ;)) I disagree. I don't deny that there are some really *boring* accountants out there but my Dad, who is an accountant by profession, definitely does not belong in that category.

Let me share a true story with you.

When I was younger, my Dad used to play mahjong with his friends. One day, while playing mahjong in his friend's house, a cockroach climbed up his leg. Obviously, my Dad felt that little nuisance crawling up his leg so he bent down and caught it. Instead of killing that roach, he decided to play a prank on one of his friends. He threw that cockroach at his friend across the table with the intention of giving his friend a shock. Coincidentally, his friend yawned at that very moment. Naturally, his mouth was wide open and Tada! That cockroach landed IN his mouth. My Dad was stunned. He 'hit' the jackpot. His friend went berserk. Thank God they didn't put up a fight. But I think that cockroach brought him good luck. They continued playing after that and Dad's friend was the big winner!

This happened a long time ago- more than 10 years. Everytime we talked about it, we would laugh at how cheeky Dad was and he still is. Everytime he talks to me on the phone, he never fails to amuse me. I miss you, Dad.