Look Who's One Today!

eveningprimroseoil.blogspot.com turns ONE today!
First of all, many thanks to everyone who reads my blog and leaves comments. Thank you! Thank you! How can I forget to thank blogger? Without blogger, no eveningprimroseoil.blogspot.com!
*speechless already. Besides, thank you, I'm lost for words*
Down the memory lane....
I started blogging in December 2001. Some time in 2003, I decided that I've got enough of writing mundane stuffs so I closed down my blog. A few months later (I think), somebody registered that site and started blogging about her personal life. I think one of my 'friends' came across that blog and thought it was mine. He/She sent out emails to my other friends saying it was me and he/she attached a picture of me and my then boyfriend (I think). Apparently, the e-mail was sent to many many people. A friend of mine even asked me mom 'Aunty ah, Eileen got boyfriend already, is it?' My Mom was surprised that he knew about it because he's a few years older than me and we were hardly in touch and I definitely did not tell him about my relationship. When my Mom asked how did he know about it, he told her he read it via e-mail. True friends knew that email was not about me and ignored it. But still.. it's not nice, y'know. I was sceptical about blogging. I stopped blogging for some time.
Last year this time, a good friend persuaded me to blog again.. and that's how I started blogging again. Hopefully, blogging won't land me into any trouble again!
Now, why Evening Primrose Oil? Nothing special. I couldn't think of any other names when I was registering. While pondering, I set my eyes on the bottle of EPO in front of me and I thought, why don't I try this? So I registered and started blogging again!
This is another mile stone for me. Throughout this year, I've gained lots of experience, made many online friends, exchanged ideas and exchanged emails with a few bloggers. I saw my readership grow, the number of comments increased. It's an achievement for me. :)
Once again, thank you all!
Special thanks to: (In no particular order)
Angelic Grace --> for encouraging me to blog and you're my first visitor!
Aunty Lilian
Yuen Li
Anthony Wong --> The first person to comment on my Haloscan!
Vi Jan
Chen Yong
Cherry --> my dearest housemate
Thank you for the frequent visits and comments! :)