English Accents
I'm fascinated by accents. The english accent in particular. I think it all started 4 years ago when I first came here. I was exposed to different accents and I unconsciously developed a thing for them.
At first, I learned to differentiate the British accents from the American accent. Then I learned that people from England have nicer accents than the Welsh. And then I realised that people from North Wales and South Wales have very different accents. The Irish have a distinctive accent as well. Since then, I learned that those from different parts of England have different accents as well. It's interesting.
Whenever we get a new lecturer in class, instead of paying attention to the lecturer, I pay attention to his/her accent and I try to identify where they're from in the first lecture. Some of my lecturers are Europeans. Sometimes my friends and I can tell where they're from from their names. But most of the time, we listen to their accents and can tell where they're from. One of my Finance lecturers is French. In the first lecture, he hardly had any French accent but came the second lecture, I was struggling to understand him. The French accent was so strong! They can't pronounce 'R' generally so instead of saying 'stRong', the pronunciation was something like 'stkong'. But after a while, I actually think that French speak English in a very sexy way. :P
I'm always listening to people's accent and try to imitate them for a good laugh.
The Cockney accent is probably the easiest to spot because we say waTer and they say Wa'er. Yup, the silent T.
I don't like the Scouse accent. People from Liverpool have that accent and I can hardly understand them.
I can spot heavy Essex accent pretty easily. Peter Andre's wife, Jordan (aka Katie Price) has a very strong accent.
The Geordie is easy to spot as well. They tend to say 'ay man'.
People from Birmingham speak too fast. I can hardly understand them.
People from North Wales have a very, very strong accent. I've stayed there for three years but I can never imitate that accent.
Londoners generally have nice accent. That's my favourite actually.
Irish have a very sweet accent. I have an Irish classmate and I always think she has a very nice accent.
Australians have sexy accents. Have you heard Dr Chase from House MD speak? Oh so sexy I tell you!
In case you're wondering, I still speak like a Malaysian, with all the -lah, -lor, -leh etc etc. Even if I were to stay here for another 10-20 years, I don't think I'll have any british accent.
Ok ok ok... time to revise now. you can tell how bored I am by now. I can't wait for 20 June, 1.15pm. I'll be free by then! Then there's end of term party on 21 June. Shame that I'm a lousy drinker.
Note: These are based on my own experience/observation. I'm not sure if they're right. I'm just generalising. :P
At first, I learned to differentiate the British accents from the American accent. Then I learned that people from England have nicer accents than the Welsh. And then I realised that people from North Wales and South Wales have very different accents. The Irish have a distinctive accent as well. Since then, I learned that those from different parts of England have different accents as well. It's interesting.
Whenever we get a new lecturer in class, instead of paying attention to the lecturer, I pay attention to his/her accent and I try to identify where they're from in the first lecture. Some of my lecturers are Europeans. Sometimes my friends and I can tell where they're from from their names. But most of the time, we listen to their accents and can tell where they're from. One of my Finance lecturers is French. In the first lecture, he hardly had any French accent but came the second lecture, I was struggling to understand him. The French accent was so strong! They can't pronounce 'R' generally so instead of saying 'stRong', the pronunciation was something like 'stkong'. But after a while, I actually think that French speak English in a very sexy way. :P
I'm always listening to people's accent and try to imitate them for a good laugh.
The Cockney accent is probably the easiest to spot because we say waTer and they say Wa'er. Yup, the silent T.
I don't like the Scouse accent. People from Liverpool have that accent and I can hardly understand them.
I can spot heavy Essex accent pretty easily. Peter Andre's wife, Jordan (aka Katie Price) has a very strong accent.
The Geordie is easy to spot as well. They tend to say 'ay man'.
People from Birmingham speak too fast. I can hardly understand them.
People from North Wales have a very, very strong accent. I've stayed there for three years but I can never imitate that accent.
Londoners generally have nice accent. That's my favourite actually.
Irish have a very sweet accent. I have an Irish classmate and I always think she has a very nice accent.
Australians have sexy accents. Have you heard Dr Chase from House MD speak? Oh so sexy I tell you!
In case you're wondering, I still speak like a Malaysian, with all the -lah, -lor, -leh etc etc. Even if I were to stay here for another 10-20 years, I don't think I'll have any british accent.
Ok ok ok... time to revise now. you can tell how bored I am by now. I can't wait for 20 June, 1.15pm. I'll be free by then! Then there's end of term party on 21 June. Shame that I'm a lousy drinker.
Note: These are based on my own experience/observation. I'm not sure if they're right. I'm just generalising. :P
ooo nice explanation of accents.
i suspect that accents are just put ons.. u can turn on.. and then turn off..
that's what i think la.. i'm sure those ppl who came back from overseas and then talk loudly in msia with an accent ah.. purposely turn on one.. :P
Posted by
living-in-the-uk |
i'm not sure if my observation is correct. i've been here for 4 years only and i hardly hang around with ang moh.
when i speak to malaysians i cannot speak with accent. but when i speak to ang moh, i have to fake a bit cos they won't understand my manglish. malaysians speak too fast already! hehe
Posted by
MooPig |