I've been getting lots of calls from telemarketers. Most of them call on behalf of phone companies like Homecall, One-Tel, Tele-2 etc. Some called up to do surveys and some called up on behalf of UNICEF.
I don't mind answering calls from telemarketers. I'm happy to help them with their surveys. But, some are just pain in the arse. I know what they want to hear from me is 'Yes, I'll sign up with you' but I just can't do so. I do not want to go through the hassle of writing letters to companies to terminate the contracts so my housemates and I have decided to stay to Homecall and say no to other service providers.
For the past 3 days, I got 3 calls from 3 companies. 2 were from telephone companies and the other one is from Sky TV.
Telemarketer 1 called up to persuade me to take up the plans but I told them I wasn't interested. Day before yesterday, I spent a good 15 minutes listening to the guy explaining about the call plans. I told him I wasn't interested because we're comfortable with Homecall but the lad just went on and on and on telling me the company will offer me free calls and what nots. I got irritated after telling him no so I said, I'll discuss with my housemates first. And guess what he said
Ma'am, I'm sure if you love our plan, your husband will love the plan too!
The moment he said that, I wanted to laugh out loud but I had to hold back. It's not nice to laugh at people, ya know =P. Then he repeated the whole lot he had just mentioned to me. I gave up and told him that I'll discuss this with my mates and give the company a ring should we want to sign up for the plan.
Phew... this worked. Thank God.
Yesterday, I got a call from Sky TV. A nice lady explained to me about the offers they have for me but I politely declined her offer buy saying,
Your offer sounds very interesting but unfortunately, I can't take up the offer because
1. My housemates and I are students
2. We don't have money as we're not working and
3. We don't have a TV.
Thank you for calling and have a nice day.
This worked too! She put down the phone. The conversation only lasted 3 minutes or so.
And just now, I got another call from yet another telemarketer. This time, it's about free evening calls, free weekend calls and what not to all UK landlines. Since using Homecall as an excuse only gave me more headaches, I lied to her, saying my housemates and I are moving out in December and will terminate the line. She wasn't satisfied and asked me more questions and I continued to tell more lies. After 5 minutes or so, she was content with the answers (read: lies) I gave and put down the phone. -_-
3 telemarketers in 3 consecutive days.. Hmm... maybe I should register with Telephone Preference Service. I wonder how did they get our number. I remember I told BT I didn't want the number to be listed in the BT directory.... Hmm...
I don't mind answering calls from telemarketers. I'm happy to help them with their surveys. But, some are just pain in the arse. I know what they want to hear from me is 'Yes, I'll sign up with you' but I just can't do so. I do not want to go through the hassle of writing letters to companies to terminate the contracts so my housemates and I have decided to stay to Homecall and say no to other service providers.
For the past 3 days, I got 3 calls from 3 companies. 2 were from telephone companies and the other one is from Sky TV.
Telemarketer 1 called up to persuade me to take up the plans but I told them I wasn't interested. Day before yesterday, I spent a good 15 minutes listening to the guy explaining about the call plans. I told him I wasn't interested because we're comfortable with Homecall but the lad just went on and on and on telling me the company will offer me free calls and what nots. I got irritated after telling him no so I said, I'll discuss with my housemates first. And guess what he said
Ma'am, I'm sure if you love our plan, your husband will love the plan too!
The moment he said that, I wanted to laugh out loud but I had to hold back. It's not nice to laugh at people, ya know =P. Then he repeated the whole lot he had just mentioned to me. I gave up and told him that I'll discuss this with my mates and give the company a ring should we want to sign up for the plan.
Phew... this worked. Thank God.
Yesterday, I got a call from Sky TV. A nice lady explained to me about the offers they have for me but I politely declined her offer buy saying,
Your offer sounds very interesting but unfortunately, I can't take up the offer because
1. My housemates and I are students
2. We don't have money as we're not working and
3. We don't have a TV.
Thank you for calling and have a nice day.
This worked too! She put down the phone. The conversation only lasted 3 minutes or so.
And just now, I got another call from yet another telemarketer. This time, it's about free evening calls, free weekend calls and what not to all UK landlines. Since using Homecall as an excuse only gave me more headaches, I lied to her, saying my housemates and I are moving out in December and will terminate the line. She wasn't satisfied and asked me more questions and I continued to tell more lies. After 5 minutes or so, she was content with the answers (read: lies) I gave and put down the phone. -_-
3 telemarketers in 3 consecutive days.. Hmm... maybe I should register with Telephone Preference Service. I wonder how did they get our number. I remember I told BT I didn't want the number to be listed in the BT directory.... Hmm...
telemarketers can be very persistent. its part of their nature and probably written in their job description. quick way to get rid is to just hang up. but that's kinda rude la i guess. so how? heheh i'd go for "yeah yeah , but i've already gotten one of those"
Posted by
Khalid Raffali |
What works with me is to try t sell something to them. Or, you start talking something totally unrelated when they ask you a question. This is annoying enough.
But only do this, if they really bug you more than once. Otherwise,it is good to be friendly but short and try to get rid of them. They are just doing their job as well, and it is a hard one, I believe.
Posted by
Andreas |
Acat: Yea... Telemarketers can be real annoying at time but I think hanging up their calls is rude. That's why I ended up lying to them instead of hanging up. :P
Thanks for dropping by & commenting
Posted by
MooPig |
AW: Yup. Telemarketers have real tough job. I don't yell at them doesn't mean that other ppl don't. Poor them. Oh well, every job has its ups and downs.
Thanks for commenting! (=
Posted by
MooPig |