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A 1am phone call...eerie

The house phone rang at 1.19am. I was listening to MIX Breafast show. Who on earth will call at this ungodly time, I wondered. I ran down stairs and picked up the phone, hoping it wasn't an emergency call.


A recorded voice message on the other end of the phone.

Shit! Telemarketer again? at this time? I thought

It wasn't. It was from BT. Apparently, someone sent a text message to the landline. The mobile phone number was 077XXX22279. Can't remember the other 3 digits. As fas as I can remember, I don't have any friend with that number.

Press 1 to listen to voice message, the voice message continued.

I pressed 1.

Your financial statement deadline..... The voice message sounded eerie, just like the scene where the ghost appears in horror movies. I hate watching horror movies and I will only watch them if I have someone to accompany me the whole night.

I slammed the phone and ran upstairs with my heart beating extremely fast. I could hear my heart beating 'dup, dup, dup, dup...'

It was eerie and annoying at the same time. Can't that idiot who texted the landline text the mobile phone? Everyone at home has a mobile phone. Brinless fellow.