Hailing in Spring
I was having dinner at 7-ish. Suddenly I heard 'biang biang biang...' It was 7.28pm. I looked at the clock on my laptop. I literally froze for a few seconds when I realised it was hailing. I stopped eating and my eyes glued to the sight outside the window. I froze not because I haven't seen hail, but it's April for goodness sake, and it was sunny few minutes ago! No wonder my Macau friend once told me 'Don't you know that the English weather is just like you women?' (英国的天气,女人的心理)I don't remember any hails in April for the past three years. It was warm and sunny during spring.
Throughout the 3 minutes, I was staring outside the window. It was like snowing. I saw hails falling onto the leaves, bounced and fell onto the ground. Pretty sight. I wish I could capture that very moment but for now, that sight shall remain in my memory.
I took a few pictures when the hail subsided.

3 minutes worth of hails

hails on the pathway

can you see the rainbow?

Weather forecast for the next few days
Just when I thought I could keep my duvets and get myself a fleece blanket, the temperature started to drop. It's as cold as early winter nights in the attic. I better get my hot water bottle ready before I go to bed tonight and for the next few nights. Assuming the forecasts are accurate, looks like it's a cold week ahead. I better get my winter jackets ready. But then again.. the forecasts are always inaccurate. :P
I want the sun to come out again! I want to experience the warmth again! I also want to go out in short sleeves and slippers, not thick jackets and shoes! Am I too greedy? ;)
Throughout the 3 minutes, I was staring outside the window. It was like snowing. I saw hails falling onto the leaves, bounced and fell onto the ground. Pretty sight. I wish I could capture that very moment but for now, that sight shall remain in my memory.
I took a few pictures when the hail subsided.

3 minutes worth of hails

hails on the pathway

can you see the rainbow?

Weather forecast for the next few days
Just when I thought I could keep my duvets and get myself a fleece blanket, the temperature started to drop. It's as cold as early winter nights in the attic. I better get my hot water bottle ready before I go to bed tonight and for the next few nights. Assuming the forecasts are accurate, looks like it's a cold week ahead. I better get my winter jackets ready. But then again.. the forecasts are always inaccurate. :P
I want the sun to come out again! I want to experience the warmth again! I also want to go out in short sleeves and slippers, not thick jackets and shoes! Am I too greedy? ;)