Have you ever...
Have you ever experienced this?
Your intuition tells you no, but being an optimist, you still hope. You hope that your intuition was wrong and the answer is yes.
And you start talking to yourself. You start telling yourself the answer is yes and your intuition is wrong. You tell yourself to be positive. You tell yourself that you've done your best.
I wish my intuition is wrong.
I want a positive answer. Please.
Your intuition tells you no, but being an optimist, you still hope. You hope that your intuition was wrong and the answer is yes.
And you start talking to yourself. You start telling yourself the answer is yes and your intuition is wrong. You tell yourself to be positive. You tell yourself that you've done your best.
I wish my intuition is wrong.
I want a positive answer. Please.
I've been in that sort of situation before. head and logic says no, heart and enthusiasm says yes. and there's always hope, no matter how slim it is. I'd still go for it until all road signs say stop, no entry, and it really is a dead end. we may get hurt and frustrated along the process, but at least we gave it our all.
sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't. and we always cross our fingers that it does, with hope. :)
Posted by
Anonymous |
yes, i ever experience that...
and sometimes vice versa...and sometimes i fight with my inner self...
sometimes i win, sometimes i loose...
sometimes i wish..sometimes i hurt...
Posted by
c a r c a r |
Sometimes, at times, you just need to GO FOR IT! When you've exhausted all channels, and everything's in the balance, the pros and cons, but you know deep down you want it, just do it!
Posted by
L B |