I don't care if this post sounds cheesy or mushy.
The boyfriend is so damn sweeeeeet!
He's flying to London tonight and back to Frankfurt on Sunday afternoon! I was in tears when he broke the news to me. It was meant to be a surprise- and he pakat-ed with the flatmate. The flatmate keeps her lips so tight- not even a single hint!
I didn't sound very cheerful when he called after 12 midnight (and he was still in the office). No, not because he's not here. It's just me- I've been under the weather for the past weeks. Anyway, he rang again when he got home, about 2am. He told me that it's ashame that we can't see each other so often because of the distance. He told me he's too busy to buy present for me. He told me how much he loves me and how he feels about this relationship. I was listening and was about to shoo him to bed because he has to get into the office by 11am on Saturday, and suddenly, he said he's flying to London tonight to spend my birthday with me!
I thought he was joking. I must have asked him the same question like, 3 times? I just could not believe my ears. I was in tears. Literally.
It's like a dream come true. I never expected him to fly all the way here because he works over the weekend and he's afraid of flying. He's very, very afraid of flying.
I'm estatic! I'm counting down the hours till we see each other again!
I love you!
The boyfriend is so damn sweeeeeet!
He's flying to London tonight and back to Frankfurt on Sunday afternoon! I was in tears when he broke the news to me. It was meant to be a surprise- and he pakat-ed with the flatmate. The flatmate keeps her lips so tight- not even a single hint!
I didn't sound very cheerful when he called after 12 midnight (and he was still in the office). No, not because he's not here. It's just me- I've been under the weather for the past weeks. Anyway, he rang again when he got home, about 2am. He told me that it's ashame that we can't see each other so often because of the distance. He told me he's too busy to buy present for me. He told me how much he loves me and how he feels about this relationship. I was listening and was about to shoo him to bed because he has to get into the office by 11am on Saturday, and suddenly, he said he's flying to London tonight to spend my birthday with me!
I thought he was joking. I must have asked him the same question like, 3 times? I just could not believe my ears. I was in tears. Literally.
It's like a dream come true. I never expected him to fly all the way here because he works over the weekend and he's afraid of flying. He's very, very afraid of flying.
I'm estatic! I'm counting down the hours till we see each other again!
I love you!
waaaa, soppy soppy! LOL... That's so great! Hope you have a very loving busy weekend, doing all sorts of unprintable things! Happy Hugs!
Posted by
L B |
Hi eileen,
Happy Birthday to you. Many happy returns !!
p/s: You have such a sweet bf..
Posted by
Anonymous |
I am also counting down the days till we see each other again!
Take care ya.
Posted by
Anonymous |
awwwww... AWWWWW!! I'm so touched by your guy's actions too! *sigh* how sweet...
and a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY, moopig dear!
Posted by
Anonymous |
whow... he's really damn damn damn SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!
so happy for u.
am sure u had a WONDERFULL bday huh! hah..
miss ya loads . hugs+kisses,,
take care!
Posted by
Anonymous |