On Tanterhooks
I slept after 4am. On a normal day, I wake up about 6/7 or maybe 8 hours later. But not today.
By 9am, I woke up immediately after the alarm rang. No lazing on the bed nonsense. The first thing I did was to switch on my laptop and checked my email. My mobile phone never leave my visibility. I've even set the gmail page as my home page. I never log off the account.
Positive or negative reply? I wonder. Again, the intuition says the latter but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the former.
I've been so stressed for the past 2 weeks. I have 4 mouth ulcers. That's a sign of how stress I am. I need more Vitamin B12, Iron and Folic Acid, Wikipedia says so.
Do you think the HCM lady will ring me up to tell me a favourable reply? Or she will say the same thing like the Business Psychologist that BAT employed told me? "Thank you for attending the BAT assessment centre on XX. You've done very well but unfortunately...."
I'm so scared. I'm so worried. I'm so nervous. The heart is beating so fast.
Fingers crossed. Toes crossed.
I brought my mobile into the living room when I went to cook dinner. And I DID NOT HEAR IT RING!!! When I realised it was 9 minutes too late. I hate 'No Number' or 'Private Number' phone calls.
I called one firm. I thought the HR rang me to confirm the interview date after I left a voice mail. Nope.
I checked my email. No.
I guess I'm taking this as a negative reply. The last time I made it through to the final round, the HCM lady sent me an email and told me to ring her a.s.a.p.
And you know what my intuition says? Wait till Monday. Maybe there's a good news waiting for me. But the pessimistic side of me says no.
I'm so annoyed. So confused. :(
Fingers crossed for you too.. *really crossed*
Posted by
Anonymous |
eyes crossed, heart crossed! hope it's good news!!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Posted by
MooPig |