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I used to keep a few Gappy when I was in college but they died after a few months. I used to put them in a mineral water bottle and brought them with me on the aeroplane when I travelled to and from college. I never managed to keep them alive throughout the term. Eventually I gave up and never reared fish.

My brother is very different from me. He loves fish. He has a pond of Gappy and a couple of Oscars. He takes care of Mommy's gold fish and only cleans the aquarium when the water turns green- and he does that reluctantly. He's that selfish! :P Mommy had to beg (not literally) a few times just to get him to clean that darn aquarium.

I guess Brother didn't have the determination when he was younger. We used to buy fish for him and he cleaned the aquariums diligently for the first few weeks (or months). After school, he went to see his fish before entering the house. But after some time, he just ignored them and only fed them and cleaned them when he felt like it.

One day, he told me he wanted to keep Oscars. I said no and told him the reasons. He made a promise that he would take care of the fish well. I never seen him that persistant before. Day after day, begged me to get him the Oscars. I got him a couple after that but I struck a deal with him- If the fish ever die because he's lazy to clean them or feed them, he'll never get to rear fish anymore.

I never went near the Oscars because he fed them maggots. I get goosebumps when I hear the word. Yes, I am extremely afraid of worms.

After a few months, I forgotten about the deal. I even forgotten I bought him the fish, until he mentioned it one day. He told me- Sis, it's our fish. I promised you and I will keep my promise, They are still alive. I was so touched when he said that.

This summer when I was home, Brother showed me our fish. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw them. When they first came home, they were so tiny. Now, they're bigger than my palm! (pics will be up soon) Since Brother never feeds them maggots anymore, I fed them with dead flies and raw meat when I was home.

I haven't seen them for about a month now and I don't know when I'll see them again... And I miss them!