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"So you miss home huh?" Daddy asked.

"Umm.. not really" I lied. "I've programmed my mind so I don't miss home anymore." I continued.

"Okay." Daddy said.

We changed topic.

Deep inside, he knows, I know, we know that I MISS HOME.

Yet I'm reluctant to go home. It's weird. Whenever my parents ask when I plan to go home, I always say I don't know. I use work as an excuse.

I've been asking myself why I don't want to go home. I've been thinking all this while. There is a magnet pulling me away from home. There is something stopping me from going home. Finally, I know why- because I haven't accomplished what I want. (Thanks, Laine!)

Lots of my friends are encouraging me to go back. I'm reluctant to. I have my dreams here and I'm working towards my dreams. I don't explain because I don't know how to. I'm not wasting my time here. I want to tell but I don't know how to.

Perhaps you'll hear about this next month. *fingers crossed*

I miss home too, but I'm not about to pack up and leave either, lol! *waits for next month's update*

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