Graduation Pictures!
I'm running out of time. Leaving for London this afternoon and Amsterdam tomorrow. Will blog when I'm back. They say pictures say a thousand words. Enjoy the pictures! :)

In the robbing room. Feeling awkward in the rob

Mom and I

Fellow Malaysians... friends and families

Malaysians. Just the 5 of us graduated this year (3 undergrads, 1 MA, 1 Phd)

Little Atirah & I

The Malaysians and a Chinese
More to come...

In the robbing room. Feeling awkward in the rob

Mom and I

Fellow Malaysians... friends and families

Malaysians. Just the 5 of us graduated this year (3 undergrads, 1 MA, 1 Phd)

Little Atirah & I

The Malaysians and a Chinese
More to come...