5 minutes
Well.... the truth is, I have been a little busy. I have an appointment in 10 minutes. I have to go in 5 so I'll make this a quick one.
Short update:
K is here in London for a few days because of a special occassion. Lots happened but that will be in another post. My temper has been unbelieveably bad. It's confirmed- Period is not an excuse. I throw tantrum even when my period is not due to arrive. Damn.
I started a new part time job. Pay is decent. I'm hoping I'll be determined enough to wake up at 5-ish every morning and NOT go back to bed after I finish the first shift. I work 2 shifts a day over 3 days. I get paid end of the week. I'm waiting till the day I can walk into a designer boutique and get a bag that I've been dying to have and PAY WITH MY OWN MONEY! But after doing some thinking, I decided to save 60% of my pay and the remaining shall go into my 'shopping account' or my 'holiday account'. The latter is more important. The sister is demanding for a Louis Vuitton already. At 19 years old, can you believe that! That spoilt little girl! I'll see how my financial situation is first. Oh, if you're wondering, I'll get her a genuine one. (Siapa makan pedas, dialah yang rasa)
Shooot I'm running late. till then