Yesterday started off pretty badly.
Saturday night was pretty cooling so I turned off my little fan around 7am, perhaps. Around 11am, I heard some alarm going off but it wasn't from my building so I ignored it. I knew something was wrong, though. The alarm doesn't ring that long, normally.
I woke up and went to the toilet. I flipped the switch and went into the toilet. It was dark. I must have switched on the kitchen light, I thought. I went out and the kitchen light wasn't on. I turned on my fan, no reaction. Darn, power cut. First time in my 4 years in UK!
Then I went to brush my teeth. Water pressure was so low. I had to use my drinking water to rinse my mouth and toothbrush. Thank goodness I filled my water filter the previous night or I wouldn't have water to drink!
Power cut and water cut.I switched on my laptop. Tadaa! No internet.
Power cut, water cut and no internet! Fantastic.I decided to try my luck and called the main office. As expected, no one picked up the phone. It's Sunday afterall. Who in the right mind would be in the office. Tough luck.
I called J and complained to her. She laughed at me. Never mind.
So I did some work. I thought of going to the nearest Starbucks. But... But.... I couldnt! I hadn't showered! My hair was oily. I felt smelly.
Later in the afternoon, my lawyer friend called. He asked about the details and told me to check my contract for emergency contact number. None. I haven't got any emergency contact number for the power and water companies too. He told me he'd deal with it and would call me later.
It must be around 2.30pm. I was a happy MooPig. Everything was restored! I called my lawyer friend and told him the good news. He gave me a lecture on what he was going to do. I logged on to messenger, checked my emails and suddenly, the internet got cut off. :(
No point sulking. At least there were water and electricity.
I did my work. I watched a comedy. I waited patiently till the internet was restored.
5 something. I was back online again. =)
At 7, I went to the nearest McDonald's and got myself a sundae cone. I popped in to Sainsbury's to get a punnet of strawberries, 2 galia melons, a pint of milk and a mango. I was back to my happy self again.
Sure, my Sunday was bad- no electricity, no water, no internet. But it wasn't the end of the world. I have a friend who cares (And boy, I'm extremely surprised and touched by his gesture), I had a sundae cone, I finally went out after 4 days and the weather was superb!